
Via di Gracciano, 16
Montepulciano - Siena

+39 0578 298036 / +39 327 2727682

Want to buy a property in Italy Tuscany, Umbria, Liguria?

We present you selected houses and apartments in Tuscany, Umbria, Liguria and other regions. We live here alone and can take you quickly through the sale process and in Italian life.

In our team you will find building geometries, architects, real estate lawyers, accountants, bank contacts, gardeners, wine producers, restaurant owners and rentals. Everyone works and lives on site in Tuscany and Umbria and is familiar with local culture. Maybe you just want to celebrate your holidays in an Italian way or even start a business in Tuscany or Umbria ...

We call ourselves property finders and we want to see people happy that we have finally found the right house.

We are looking for your name houses and apartments in all price ranges. On the coast or in the hinterland. In the countryside or in small cities and villages. With or without swimming pool. We also show you vineyards and olive groves. Or perhaps a ruin with the potential to restore? Call or send an email with your request and you will receive a range of proposals for evaluation.

Our services

We help you negotiate the price of the property.

We offer you help from our team of consultants: building engineer, architect, gardener, real estate lawyer, accountant, bank contacts.

We record a Tax Code for you, the Italian tax number, mandatory for the purchase of a house, car, electric bill, gas bill, etc.

We help you create a bank account in an Italian bank. We track the land detection documents.

We will make an appointment for you. The notary is independent and is registered in accordance with Italian law. The notary checks that the property has the correct details of the land registry, that the property is correct and that all utilities are correct. The notary prepares the sale contract and registers it with the authorities.

By law, the notary has read the entire contract to the parts of sale and purchase, which they then sign. A witness is present. If a part does not speak Italian, the contract is translated into English. In some cases the contract can contain many annexes and sometimes it may be more convenient to give a proxy to an Italian language, which translates the contract to the notary and therefore signs for you.

We also organize:

  • Recording of the gas connection
  • Recording of water supply
  • Recording the supply of electricity
  • Telephone connection, Internet
  • Help to establish the direct charge for the payment of gas, electricity and water

After purchase, we offer:

  • Summary of the property when you are absent
  • Letter / rental of the property

We can also organize events for friends and family:

  • Kitchen course
  • Wine Tasting
  • Have a view of the olive harvest (in November)
  • History in vinification (September)
  • Equestrian riding
  • Hunting
  • Going by boat


TUSCANY - Montepulciano:
53045 - Via di Gracciano, 16 (Siena)
Tel.: +39 0578 717016
Cell. : +39 327 2727682

TUSCANY - Montepulciano:
53045 - Via di Voltaia in the Corso, 33 (Siena)
Tel.: +39 0578 778952'
Cell. : +39 327 2727682

TUSCANY - Castle in Chianti:
53011 - Vicolo della Rocca 1 and 5 (Siena)
Tel.: +39 0577 741430
Cell. : +39 327 2727682

TUSCANY - Pienza:
53026 - Via Dogali, 11 (Siena)
Tel.: +39 0578 748010
Cell. : +39 393 9446700

TUSCANY - Cetona:
53040 - Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi n. 61, (Siena)
Tel.: +39 0578 238000
Cell. : +39 327 2727682

TUSCANY - Florence:
Borgo San Jacopo, 68 R
Tel.: +39 327

LIGURIA - Santa Margherita Ligure:
16038 - Via Tommaso Bottaro, 12 (Genova)
Tel.: +39 0185 287165
Cell. : +39 346 516 0450

UMBRIA - Città della Pieve:
06062 - Via Vannucci, 95 (Perugia)
Tel.: +39 0578 298036

WhatsApp: +39 327 2727682 Telephone: +39 0578 717016

Open offices 7/7 days: Mon-Dom 9.00-21.00

Properties for sale by APOLLONI & BLOM SRL

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